Tag: tutorial
Tutorial: Metering Modes – Evaluative, Center-weighted and Spot
I was planning to write an extensive article about metering and metering modes but the article on Petapixel.com is very…
Tutorial – What is Bokeh ?
In short: Bokeh is background blur. 🙂 Huh ? Blurrrrr ? blur is, how to say…, the out of focus…
Tutorial: Why I work with PC and not with Mac
The new Macs are coming out. The new M1, M1x, etc. MacBook Pro’s are not only good looking but also…
For the beginner photographer: File formats – RAW/JPEG/HEIF and more
For the beginner photographer: File formats – RAW/JPEG/HEIF and more So you are getting confused from your camera settings ?…
Using CPL (Polarizer) Filters
Filters can add and enhance certain effects in photography that cannot be achieved in post processing. The travel (and landscape)…
Post Processing your photos – 1
I do a lot of post processing. Why ? I like it and you can get so much more out…
Starting as a Travel Photographer – Updated
What is Travel Photography ? Well as the name says: you travel to places: close by and far away. And…
50/50 Photos and Underwater Photos
What are 50/50 photos ? Shots like this are half in half out of the water. For example you can…
Shooting sunsets with filters
I posted some sunset photos on my Facebook and Instagram and got some questions to explain a bit more how…
Review: Darktable – an alternative for Lightroom ?
Darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer. A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. It manages…
In detail: What is the F number and how does it work ?
What is the F number ? How does it work ? These are the main questions concerning the F number. …

Review: Sleeklens Lightroom Presets and Brushes
Review of the Sleeklens Lightroom Presets and Brushes. Sleeklens.com developed a set of presets and brushes for Lightroom and Photoshop. …
Buying your first gear: a tutorial for the beginner photographer
Buying your first gear as a beginner photographer. After reading all my posts about lenses, sensor size and my 3…
Lenses: a tutorial for the Beginner Photographer
After you read my 3 part tutorial for the beginner photographer you got wise and smart. 🙂 Haha. Then you…
Full Frame, APS-C, M4/3. Does sensor size matter ?
Does sensor size matter ? Well, it depends all on what you want, what you shoot, for what and who….