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Give something back to earth
Give Something Back to Earth Is a Swiss Photography Project from a couple of photographers and models. I really like…
Nat Geo Travel Photographer Contest
On the website of Nat Geo (National Geographic) you can see some stunning photos of the 2016 Nat Geo Travel…
Cave diving with a Sony A7S Mk2
Christoffer Brenna exploring the ‘El Toh’ cave in Yucatan, Mexico. The Sony A7S Mk2 is a camera specially for low…

Photo of the Week
Photo of the week. I will upload a photo to ‘Photo of the Week’ an put it on top of…
My photo became a painting
This photo I made for Chang, a ver talented painter out of Khao Lak Thailand. He was competing in a…
How to Create STUNNING Sunset Photos
Here is a tutorial about creating stunning sunset photos in Lightroom. The Youtube channel YuriFineart have some more great…
13th Annual Photo Contest
Winners of the Smithsonian Photo Contest. Some really amazing shots ! Click here to have a look. Main image…
Similan Islands 40 of the Best
My best shots of Similan Islands. Taken with Canon 30D, Canon 5D MK2 and Mk3, Olympus OMD M5, Canon G12…
Getting into video
Video is not my kind of thing, but i’m getting into it. Its way more difficult than photography, it’s a real challenge !
Switching Gear
I just went completely mirrorless ! Sold nearly all the Canon DSLR’s and switched to Fujifilm X System.