A new calendar is coming. And I called it ‘Our world we live in’. A Swiss photo project got me into it. I wrote about that project before and its called ‘Give Something Back to Earth’.
I am a travel and landscape photographer and have tons of nice photos of nature, wildlife, sea, etc. So I was thinking: ‘ I use some shots and make a calendar out of it’, then try to sell the calendar and donate the money and also the calendar design to the project ‘Give something back to earth’. All it takes me is to design it in Indesign and add the photos. So with just a little work that cost me nothing I can create something that have the potential to gain something.
Mostly calendars are just photos or artwork with none or very little text. I wanted to give something extra to the calendar. So when you have it at home and your friends coming and looking at it, they got something to read too. It is about the place we live on. Planet Earth. The goal of text on the calendar is to raise awareness about the world we live in. Our nature, our culture, what is important for us, like water. We all know about it, but do we really care about it, do we really appreciate it ? I think not.
Below some photos. Click to enlarge.
We all know that our planet is not in a good shape. We, as humans but also natural climate change, create a change in the world we live in. And that change is not for the good of our planet. Due to an overkill of regulations, lack of global waste and resource management we create more and more waste and depleting our valuable resources. And all because of money. We as humans should realise that we cannot eat money, that money doesn’t support the planet we live on.
Also we should care more about what is important and what is not. Cola is in many countries cheaper than drinking water. And not everybody have access to clean drinking water but Cola is largely available. Same counts for fresh food. Fast food is available in nearly every city and quite affordable as well. Fresh veggies, etc. however are not available everywhere and to everybody.
In the links below you can read and see about how our food supply has been industrialised. Food growing and food supply has changed the way we deal with our planet.
And there are more things, also positive things. Like the project that makes drinking water in the dessert out of air. See the link below.
What I really don’t like is that projects like this don’t come in mainstream media and get the funding they need to expand it and develop it. Many of these projects stay small, underfunded and given no chance to prove it can work on a large scale.
Now I can keep writing on about this, but I think we get the picture. We just need to act, so why don’t we act ?