The Sky…

The sky seen from my kitchen window yesterday. So beautiful.  These shots where taken in nearly strait after each other. That colourful moment in the sky only lasted for max. 15 minutes. I had to quickly make up my mind what to do. Grab the camera bag, tripod and run down to take the shots from the street or hang out the kitchen window as I always do ? It became the last one, so I grabbed the first camera I got my hands on, switched it on, hang out the kitchen window and started shooting.

The photos are posted in time order, first shot at 19.31h local time, last shot 19.37h local time. Amazing color shift in just 8 minutes. Color is straight out of camera, just cropped out all black stuff (buildings, etc). That’s it….









So get your head out of your smart phones and look up to the sky. There is more beauty around you.


Related posts.

The clouds seen from my kitchen window.



Author: Admin

Hi... I am Ryan Nigel Scheemaker and I am a travel and landscape photographer.