Last night, 1-1-2018 that is, we had a super moon. So wake up early to see and shoot the nice super moon. 🙂 I didn’t bring any long lenses. I totally forgot that the 1st of the new year was super moon time. The longest lens I had with me was the Sigma 70-210mm in Nikon mount and the K&N adapter. (click to read my review).
So get up that mountain and start shooting. Below some results. Not my best, but considering where I am at the moment and the gear that I have with me, I am quite satisfied with results. 210mm full frame is 315mm on my Fuji X. At these times I wish I had my 100-400mm with 1,5x teleconverter…. But hey when you travel, you travel light. 🙂

I looked it up on internet and the 1st of January 2018 was a Full Wolf Moon, whatever that might be. The Full Wolf Moon on the night between 1 and 2 January 2018 is a Supermoon.
The following Full Moon is also in January, on the 31. It has no given name, which makes it a Blue Moon. However, this particular Blue Moon will likely look red in some areas, because it will cause a total lunar eclipse, also known as a Blood Moon.
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